BunnyFi Multi-Chain Bridge

BunnyFi is committed to making revolutionary contributions to the development of blockchain technology and enhancing user experience with its innovative Multi-Chain Bridge Protocol. In this protocol, different roles collaborate to ensure smooth, secure, and efficient cross-chain transactions. Each role, from Makers to Users, and Watchers, has its unique responsibilities and significance, collectively forming a complete cross-chain ecosystem.

Makers (Liquidity Providers):

Makers play a crucial role in the protocol by providing liquidity and facilitating asset locking across different blockchains. Their key responsibilities include:

  • Locking assets on the source blockchain and issuing corresponding tokens on the target blockchain.

  • Ensuring ample liquidity to meet user demands for cross-chain transfers.

  • Continuously monitoring the bridge contract to respond promptly to user cross-chain requests.

Users (Initiators of Cross-Chain Transactions):

Users are responsible for initiating cross-chain transactions within the protocol. Their tasks involve:

  • Initiating cross-chain transaction requests, specifying the source and target blockchains, as well as the asset type and quantity to be transferred.

  • Providing accurate target blockchain addresses to ensure successful asset transfer.

  • Covering the required transaction fees associated with cross-chain transfers.

Watchers (Correcting Erroneous Requests):

Watchers serve as a supportive role within the protocol, overseeing and correcting erroneous cross-chain requests. Their tasks include:

  • Monitoring the bridge contract for any abnormal or incorrect transaction requests.

  • Rectifying erroneous requests, such as invalid target addresses or asset quantities.

  • Implementing security mechanisms to prevent potential malicious activities.

Coordination Dynamics:

  • The interaction between Makers and Users is facilitated through the bridge contract, ensuring accurate execution of cross-chain transfers.

  • Watchers intervene at critical moments to monitor and correct any misdirected transaction requests, ensuring the security and efficacy of the protocol.

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